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How to Succeed in an Interview: Five Expert Tips

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On average, 118 people apply for a single job. Meanwhile, just 20% of them get invited for an interview!

If you’ve recently been invited to interview for a job, you’ve already beaten out a lot of competition. You haven’t reached the end of the road yet, though.

How do you make sure you shine and the interviewer remembers you? What do you need to do to succeed in an interview in 2024?

Here are five expert tips to keep in mind as you prepare.

1. Get to Know the Company

At some point during the interview, you’ll likely be asked why you want to work for the organization, what initially caught your eye, etc. If you want to stand out to the interviewer, you need to prove that you actually know something about the company.

Spend some time researching the company you’re interviewing with before the big day. Get clear on why you want to work for them and what their mission and values are.

Maybe you like that they focus on community engagement, or perhaps you’re intrigued by their eco-friendly products. Whatever you choose, be specific.

2. Make a List of Questions

You’ll also likely be asked during the interview if you have any questions for the interviewer. In this case, “No” is the wrong answer.

Asking questions shows that you’re engaged and genuinely interested in the job. Write down a few questions ahead of time so you have something to ask when prompted.

What kinds of questions should you ask? Here are some ideas:

  • What does your company’s performance review process entail?
  • What metrics will you use to evaluate my performance?
  • What are the biggest challenges I might face initially in this role?
  • Which departments will I work with most closely?
  • How do you onboard new employees?
  • What makes this company different than others you’ve worked for?

3. Don’t Forget About Body Language

Whether you’re interviewing in person or via video chat, your body language is critical.

Make sure you’re not accidentally sending mixed messages with your posture, facial expressions, etc. If you’re slumped in your chair, glancing off to the side every few seconds, or failing to make eye contact, you’re likely sending the wrong message (i.e., that you’re not really interested in the job or don’t care if you get it).

If you’re doing a remote interview, do your best to set up your environment to minimize distractions and maximize your comfort. That way, you’ll be less likely to fidget, lose focus, or do other things that indicate you’re not invested or engaged.

Kick your pets out of the room (just for the interview!), put a small pillow behind your back to help you sit up straight, and remind yourself where the camera is so you can make eye contact through the screen.

4. Review Your Resume

Take a few minutes to review your resume beforehand (and ensure you’re working with the most up-to-date version). That way, your skills and accomplishments will be top of mind when you go into the interview.

Looking over your resume before the interview will help you ensure you don’t forget any essential details that might come up, such as your core responsibilities at your last job or how long you worked at a specific company.

5. Follow Up

It doesn’t matter if you think the interview went well or not. It’s a good idea to reach out, thank the interviewer for their time, and ask about the status of your job application.

It can be awkward to follow up after a job interview, but it also shows that you’re enthusiastic and legitimately want to work for a particular organization.

If you haven’t heard from anyone after about five business days (give them some time to meet with other candidates and review their options), send an email to touch base.

The message doesn’t have to be long or overly detailed. Just let the interviewer know that you appreciate them meeting with you and wanted to touch base. You may also want to include a brief note reminding them why you think you’re a good fit for the position.

Final Thoughts

Job interviews are almost always nerve-wracking — especially when you’re interviewing for a job you really, really want to land.

If you’re feeling anxious about an upcoming interview, or if you just want to be prepared for when that perfect interview comes up, the tips shared above can help you stay calm and make a great impression.

Remember that if you want to increase your chances of getting contacted for interviews, you need to submit an exceptional resume.

Do you need some extra help revamping your resume before you start applying for jobs? Reach out today to learn more about our resume-writing services.