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Spring Is Here! It’s Time to Celebrate (Yourself)!

It’s spring! Okay, well, maybe it’s been spring for a little bit now. But, now that March has officially come and gone, it feels like the time to gear up for all the ups, downs, fun, and surprises that spring has to offer us. And nothing gears you up better than a nice little celebration. And we get it – sometimes the word celebration can bring about anxiety. So much planning, so much worrying, so much stress. But, celebration doesn’t have to look this way. In reality, celebration can look like anything that makes you feel positive and recharged. It can be something as large and thought out as a party or something as small and simple as drawing yourself a nice bath or reading a good book. So, if you needed an excuse to celebrate yourself and your loved ones, here it is! Here are some fun and easy ways to celebrate the coming of spring that we at Em like to indulge in.

  • Take yourself on a picnic

Let’s face it. You could use some sun. Whether you realize it or not, being outside can be one of the most effective ways to lift your spirits, particularly if your work or home life mostly consists of remaining in one place for long periods of time. It doesn’t have to be fancy unless you want it to be. Just grab a blanket, make yourself a nice lunch, find a nice spot, and let yourself relax. Want some alone time? Bring your favorite book to indulge in. Want some company? Bring a friend or two along and have some much needed catch-up time. You’d be surprised by how far a nice day can go when you spend it taking advantage of the things you have been craving while you’re busy.

  • Make yourself a reading nook

No matter where you live, we can guarantee you that you have a space in your home that is just itching to become your new favorite place. So, why not give it a try? Designate a space where you can be relatively secluded from the rest of the house and think about what would make it more comfortable. Maybe add a few cushions, throw in some blankets, string a few lights over head, find a small basket or box to serve as a book storage space. Build a space that reflects your personal idea of peace. When in a constant state of work, particularly when working from home, having a space that is specifically designed for your comfort can work wonders for your mental health. Give yourself a you-cave, a space that makes you feel like you are getting a nice big hug.

  • Start a project

I know this one sounds a little weird. Taking on more work is the last thing you’d want to do when trying to take a break from work. Sometimes, the best way to combat the possibility of worker fatigue is by putting your busy energy into something inconsequential that brings you joy. Is there a hobby that you’ve missed, or a craft that you’ve always wanted to try out? Carve out some space in your week when you feel like you need it most and let yourself dive into the thing that pulls you out of the stressful parts of your life and gives you simple pleasure. Your body and mind will thank you.

So often we are made to feel guilty for celebrating ourselves. It seems like taking time for ourselves is frowned upon even in 2022 – a year when self love is becoming more prevalent. You do not need an excuse to let yourself recharge and celebrate. You are 100% enough. But, if you feel the need to put a name to the celebration, say you’re celebrating the coming of spring! Spring deserves it, and so do you.